Tuesday, September 11, 2012



Here I go, y'all! My first attempt at putting my thoughts into words. I must admit, I'm a little excited right now! I have wanted to do this for years and I can't really say what was holding me back. Yes, I can, but I don't really want to. I don't see the sense in doing this if I can't even start out being honest with myself. I haven't done this until now because of fear and laziness. Oh, I have about a thousand other "reasons", but it all boils down to those two.

Fear is a word that I hate to associate to myself. The crazy part about it is that I spent the majority of my life being afraid. I would mask it the best I could with anger, indifference, or (my favorite) fake self-esteem. Truth is, I didn't really like who I was. I'm sure I'll get more into that in other post, but for right now I want to focus on my First. The fear I have in writing this blog is that I don't think I can write. Hopefully, practice will make perfect (or at least help me improve.)

The laziness part is almost self explanatory. I don't own up to it by saying things like, "I'm too busy with work and family to do anything else!" But I do plenty of other thing (also for another post.) I just don't want to take the time to really put myself out there. I would rather just stare into space, lost in my own head. If I spent half the time writing as I do thinking about writing, I would be on my way to a Pulitzer by now. That's a heck of a stretch, but you get my point.

But as of right now, all that is behind me! I like to start my cover letters with a saying that I hope makes people think of me as philosophic, "Every journey begins with a single step, this is mine." HOW COOL IS THAT?!

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